Case Studies

I've selected a number of Case Studies that illustrate my approach to challenging situations. Most of the Case Studies begin with my Pre-Hearing Conference where I meet with each side well in advance of the scheduled Hearing,which forms the foundation for the creative problem solving that follows. This is the reason I refer to my Best Practice of PreMediation as the Gateway to Extraordinary Results.
Please let me know if you'd like me to suggest how any of these Case Studies can be applied your client's situation.
PreMediation - Mediator held Pre-Hearing Conferences with Parties to enlist buy-in from all stakeholders
Use of Jointly Retained Technical Expert to establish Remediation Scope of Work, and Approve Remediation
Defaulting Contractor permitted to perform Remediation Scope of Work
Mediator as Standing Neutral to monitor compliance with Settlement
Case initially filed as Demand for Arbitration with AAA
Parties agreed to Med-Arb Process to resolve multiple disputes, remaining issues to be Arbitrated
Mediator, as Standing Neutral, held funds in Escrow and disbursed according to Settlement Agreement
Parties used Jointly Retained Neutral Technical Experts
Mediation required as a condition precedent to filing suit
Dispute between Specialty Contractor and Installer over delay claims, changed conditions
Use of Two-Stage Mediation Hearing format
Sample Data Sets used to evaluate claims in lieu of extensive discovery
Multi-million dollar settlement, 52 days start to finish
Indemnity Action against Auto Supplier resulting from Manufacturer Recall
During Pre-Hearing conferences, Mediator requested that both parties investigate whether there were unresolved issues or disputes that might exist within other divisions of the multinational companies
Mediation provided opportunity for resolution of multiple unresolved claims and disputes, none of which were related to the the litigation
Creative Solution provided “value” to each party sufficient to resolve litigation
Examples of Discovery Options available in Mediation
obtaining Information from Experts
Obtaining Information from Non-Parties
Obtaining Information from Parties
Breach of Contract for Commissions on Real Estate Development;
Overlapping business dealings with third parties;
Mediator suggestion to include non-party as key to settlement of multiple lawsuits.
Early Case Mediation with voluntary exchange of information managed by Mediator
Joint Mediation session with “For Mediation Purposes Only” presentations by non-party and telephone conference with Expert Witness
Creative Business Solution
Breach of Contract for Non-Payment
Future Commissions retire debt